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Friday, May 11, 2007

my first REAL post. so nobody has come here yet coz i dint tell them yet
can anybody recommend me a blogskin?
ok nvmind about that
exams are over man!!!!
i know i didnt have time to finish 2 questions worth 6 marks in my maths paper.
lit wasnt too good

and i think i did better in my history.
and science wasnt too hard but i know i got some questions wrong.
but overall i think i did better than term 1.

3:15 AM;

P R O F I L E ;

Adil Bin AZmoon
13 years old

S O N G S ;

Pirates of the Caribbean

Its Not Over

L I N K S ;

Fallout Boyz
The Best
Destroy Websites!!!!!!

T A G B O A R D ;

A R C H I V E S ;

April 2007
May 2007
July 2007

C R E D I T S ;

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