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Saturday, July 28, 2007

we got 2nd !!!!!!!!!!!!!

me, jeren , shivraj, kevin, sherman and ian of 102 and adi, jonathan, adam and brian of 104 took part in book trailer just now and we got 2nd!!!!!!
we didnt even use any props or anything!!!!!!
it was so cool we thot we wouldnt get anything.

these r the characters:
old major & narrator: ian
napoleon: adil(me)
Dogs/piggies: sherman, jeren and kevin
rest of animals: 104 boys

2:32 AM;

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Renaissance Gold

Hey people.
As I have said in my previous blog, this post is about the renaissance gold concert. Okaaaayyyyyyy. I will now tell you about it in full detail.
The first song was Josephian March. One of my favourites because its our school song.
After that it started to get boring..
And sulaiman started shouting ‘Encore!’ after every song. The atmosphere started to get sleepy and I saw people lying their head down and some were actually SLEEPING. Thins started to get better at the Mission Impossible theme song and everyone was wide awake by Pirates of the Caribbean, which was my total favourite. Now I have it in my blog too.
Then everything was back to the drowsy state.
They played Do En Kai Express Part 2 twice!
Then the rocky theme song came on and people were somewhat entertained then.
I guess it was not so bad.
Although practically everyone thought it was boring, i thought it was the best (and only) concert i have seen.
In the end, it ended at 10.30 when it was supposed to end at 9.30!!!!!!

3:35 AM;

Wednesday, July 25, 2007



I am so pro because I managed to single-handedly (okay not single-handedly cus then how am I am supposed to type right? hahaha) hack into dear darling handsome shortie annnoying Adil's account :D :D

Anyway, let me introduce myself.
I am the one Adil treasures most,
I am the one he looks up to (literally and non literally)
I am the one he calls annoying, bigass, LOVELY WONDERFUL

sisterrrrrrrrr (:

hallelujah and goodnight!

7:10 AM;

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


ok... maybe i wont post everyday.
but i WILL post every week
i have to write a blog post about saturdays Renaissance soon.
so watch out for that......

5:55 AM;

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

need to stop slacking

i need to stop slacking.
from now on, im gonna write a single post everyday.
so lets get to it

har har anyone seen the 'elmo knows where you live' vid?
i'll show you

damn funny rite?

2:50 AM;

P R O F I L E ;

Adil Bin AZmoon
13 years old

S O N G S ;

Pirates of the Caribbean

Its Not Over

L I N K S ;

Fallout Boyz
The Best
Destroy Websites!!!!!!

T A G B O A R D ;

A R C H I V E S ;

April 2007
May 2007
July 2007

C R E D I T S ;

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